Commercial Pond Services

-Commercial Pond Maintenance
Commercial ponds are great place to relax and enjoy nature. They also provide us with some of our most crucial clean water sources. Unfortunately, ponds can become polluted or damaged over time. This means they won't always look their best.

During times like that pond maintenance is essential to ensure the pond stays beautiful and healthy. To achieve this, proper care must be given to the pond itself and its surrounding environment. At Fresno Pond Maintenance and Construction we can handle all commercial pond and fountain problems.

Commercial pond maintenance is easy; however, it can also be very challenging. When creating a pond, there are many things to consider, including location, size, style, and material selection. Also, there are many factors to consider when deciding how often they'll need to clean out the pond. Hopefully, we can give you some ideas on what to do to keep the pond running smoothly.

Pond Maintenance Tips
After creating the pond, owners need to start taking care of it. Here are some tips to help in maintaining the pond effectively.

- Keep the Water Level Constant
Pond maintenance doesn't end after constructing it. One needs to continue monitoring its condition throughout the year. To do this, make sure that the water level remains constant. Adding too much water into the pond could result in flooding. So, avoid doing this by keeping the water level steady.

- Maintain the pH Balance
The pH balance in the pond affects how healthy it is. When the pH level drops below 7, algae begins to increase. Once the pH reaches 8, then the growth slows down. If you are not sure about the ideal pH level for your pond, you can 
contact us and they will be able to assist you with any questions or concerns.

- Prevent Fungus and Algae Growth
Fungi cause bad smells and disease in the aquatic environment. To prevent fungus growth, clean out the pond regularly. Also, use chlorine tablets when needed.

Algae blooms can turn a beautiful pond into a murky mess. To prevent this, remove as many leaves and debris as possible. That way there wont be as much nutrients leaching off to feed the algae. After adding an algaecide, its important to add as much oxygen to the water as possible to aid in the active decomposition of the algae.

- Maintain Healthy Aquatic Life
Aquatic life needs to be adequately maintained. For example, one should always ALWAYS add oxygen to the pond. For Commercial or large ponds you can install a large aerator, or have us do it for you so you don't have to get your feet wet.

If your water feature or pond is still having problems, feel free to give us a call and we can schedule a time to meet up, free of charge.

- Water Quality
A pond's overall health depends depends on a lot of variables and factors like filtration, oxygen levels etc. This greatly applies to commercial pond owners and koi fish owners (yes you guys too). You see, having a filter on a big pond sounds like a great idea until you realize you are cleaning it out every day. 

Ever heard the phrase "work smarter not harder"? Pretty sure you have, and the crazy thing is, is that mother nature has been doing this since the beginning of time.

That's right, im talking about beneficial bacteria! These little guys if given the right conditions can clean and process pond waste like kids in an all you can eat candy store! By doing so, they clean the water removing harmful chemicals and provide clean water for all the other critters in the pond.

- Filtration
Filtration is one of the key components to keeping ponds of all shapes and sizes clean! 

There are two different types of filters Mechanical Filters and Biologicals Filters. Mechanical filtration involves the physical removal of waste and solids form the water. While this is a great way fast way of cleaning the water is does require maintenance to keep the filter clean. Biological filters on the other hand don't require much maintenance but they work at a slower pace and require some attention to what chemicals are added to the water column, since some chemicals can harm the beneficial bacteria that help clean the water. 

Now you must be thinking why can't we have both? Well... you're not wrong! Yes! You can have both biological and mechanical filtration, not only do you get best of both worlds you also are reenacting what mother nature does on a daily basis. If you need help with setting up filters or ponds for commercial water features and ponds, please don't hesitate to give us a call.

​- Chemical Treatment

While using filters allows pond owners to maintain a high-quality pond, they may still find themselves having to treat the water periodically. If not treated correctly, algae will multiply and cause problems.

There are two main types of chemical treatment: Algae killers and Phosphates. Both work in different ways to control algae growth. Algae killers come as tablets, liquids, gels, and powders. They are usually used when the water temperature exceeds 65 degrees Fahrenheit.

Phosphate treatments are used when the water temperature is below 65 degrees Fahrenheit. Phosphates are typically sold in liquid form. However, one can buy it in powder form as well.

- Planting

Planting is another excellent way to improve pond conditions. Plants attract beneficial insects like dragonflies, caddisflies, and damselflies. It's also another great way of biological filtration!

Planting also helps to keep algae under control. Algae is basically a floating plant and they feed on nutrients in the water. Plants that you plant in the pond such as lily pads, duckweed, and azolas compete with the aglae for nutrients and help tip the scales towards your favor. 

If you need more information about aquatic plants feel free to 
contact us or give us a call

- Water Testing

Water testing is essential to ensure that the pond is healthy. Most ponds require testing at least twice a year. A simple dipstick test will tell whether or not your water needs treating. If you notice that your pond seems cloudy, you may want to consider cleaning your filtration system.

In conclusion, there are many benefits to owning a pond. Commercial pond maintenance is not easy, but it's worth it. Not only does it provide a beautiful landscape feature, but it's also beneficial to help improve your property's value. Feel free to reach out to us Fresno Pond Maintenance and Construction for any questions or if you need your pond or water features serviced.

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